Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Course Correct

What do you call it when you get run over by with something you already knew was coming? Particularly, when you are aware of it and control it? It's definitely not "learning" because you knew it would happen. I guess, you could call it "smacked in the face", but that doesn't quite seem right, because who knows they're going to get smacked in the face and doesn't move?

Well, whatever it is, I got it this morning and was happy to have it.

When you eat 75-100% clean on a regular basis, hit your WOD's regularly and stay hydrated, your body becomes pretty resilient to a couple of days off now and then. You know, when you, for example, go to your parents beach town for Easter and just eat and drink whatever, don't move any odd objects etc? In fact, for me, 1-2 days of this and I usually feel fine and actually weigh a little less!

GREAT!! That's why we live this way, right? Sort of...It is amazing what these two days can become. Before you know it, it's 3 or 4 or FIVE days of crap food and low energy...

Everything we know and hear about high carb, processed food can be that hand that you watch smack you in the face without moving. STUFF yourself with sugar, salt and carbs and before you know it you want more! And you'll willingly make yourself uncomfortably full and recognize how bad you feel and STILL want/crave more a little bit later. It's AMAZING!!!

Anyway, this morning's WOD: 75 box jumps, 45 ring dips, 25 burpees, 25 45lb shoulder press and 75 box jumps was not intended to be a chipper but it WAS for me! Only got through the shoulder press and used 40lbs and used a band for my ring dips. Was it a chipper because yesterday was a Rudy's for breakfast, beer for lunch, Chipotle for dinner and poor sleep night? Probably. Was yesterday the way it was because the three days prior? Probably.

Lesson? Look at the stars, course correct, sail on till morning.

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