Thursday, April 8, 2010

Finally Pulled the "Trigger" Point!

I have a terrible body.

Not in the, " I have a fat ass and a belly" way. No, I mean my body hasn't been taken care of and because of this I hurt. A LOT. and OFTEN.

Here's a list-bottom to top:
Feet-hurt, often.
Knee-always hurts at 3 miles-on the money-every time.
Right hip joint-it crackles when I move it the "right" way.
Lower back-just about ALWAYS hurts and is ALWAYS tight.
Rest of my back-has pings and pangs fairly often.
Shoulders-like to pop out of joint
-recently the tendons on the tops seem to hurt, too. HOORAY!!!
Right side of my jaw-pops. Doesn't hurt, but that's not right.

This isn't a "poor me" list or a why my WOD times suck list. Not at all. I take full responsibility for my ailments. I don't stretch, unless forced to at the end of a class. I don't ALWAYS keep my core stable. I worked for YEARS on my feet. I sleep on my stomach(sometimes on a big one) or on my shoulder etc. etc. etc.

So, today, after a couple of Trigger Point workshops with Big Mike at CrossFit Central and REALLY hurting today after the CrossFit Central WOD with Chris Hartwell, I FINALLY bought a Trigger Point kit! These aren't cheap, but significantly less expensive than going to a masseuse or a chiropractor on a regular basis. But more importantly you can't put a price on being comfortable, faster recovery or better WOD times. That said, let's put this to the test and see if these priceless commodities will be the fruits of my financial and time investments.

I workout at 5:30 am, so I probably won't be able to "roll out" before class, but I'm committing myself to at least one hour session a day for the next 30 days.

Day One? I'll be honest-OW! But, WOW, what a difference!

"Ow! But WOW!" That should be on a Trigger Point shirt.

Stay tuned for updates...

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